John Suave

John Sauvé is an American artist and arts educator. His medium is sculpture and printmaking and has achieved national and international recognition. He was awarded a grant from the Marc Ecco Foundation for his work Man in the City, the first public sculpture exhibit installed on the Highline in New York City. John Sauvé studied art history at Michigan State University. After finishing his studies, he spent a year traveling through Europe continuing his education in art history. He then returned to Detroit to work for the Michigan Commission on Art in Public Places where he oversaw the installation of public art for the Percent for the Art Program. He concluded his studies with a degree in Arts Administration at Michigan State University.
John Sauvé references philosophy, literature and history by approaching the human figure with an idealized representation. Borrowing from Heidegger's concept of "Dasein", Jung's interest in the shadow and the Faustian Legend, Sauvé's sculpture is as much about the figure as the shadow it cast. This relationship highlights his interest in the question of being and the covenant the individual will make to exist. Sauvé challenges the viewer by presenting the figure in public spaces utilizing the environment as a way to question what it means to existence and relationship between the individual and the collective.
In 2008 the American Institute of Landscape Architects recognized Sauvé's Design of the Green Oak Village Place Sculpture Park with the Merit Award. He was awarded the Ferndale DDA Community Service Award, City of Birmingham Proclamation, the HMI Award of Excellence, the City of Brighton Visual Art Award, Nominated for the Governors Award for Arts Advocacy State of Michigan, City of Royal Oak Resolution of Recognition, Michigan Municipal League Community Excellence Award, Boys and Girls Club Honor Roll.